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EDM Today Magazine                           EDM Today Magazine                            EDM Today Magazine
                                                                             TECHTIPS • SUMMER 2024

                                                     ARE YOU


                                                     THE POINT?
   EDM Today Magazine                           EDM Today Magazine                            EDM Today Magazine

                                                     BY ROGER KERN
                                                     PRINCIPAL CONSULTANT
                                                     INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS

   EDM Today Magazine                           EDM Today Magazine                            EDM Today Magazine
                          The key to reliable threading in a Wire EDM is the condition of the free end of the
                          wire that we are attempting to thread. This treatise will explore the various methods
                          (and the consequences of those methods) for preparing the wire end for both
                          automatic and manual threading.

          There are numerous instances where clients have con-
                                                               AWT WIRE END PREPARATION
          tacted me complaining that they are having threading
          issues due to the fact that their EDM wire is oversize.
                                                               threading issues, let’s briefl y examine the wire end
          Invariably, after measuring a sample of the wire they   Before we get into the details of the causes of wire
                                                               preparations employed by machines that automatically
          send me on my laser micrometer (which is accurate
   EDM Today Magazine                           EDM Today Magazine                            EDM Today Magazine
                                                               thread the wire.
          to four millionths of an inch and regularly calibrated to
          standards traceable to NIST), I determine that the wire is
          not oversize. Thus, an oversize wire is not the cause of
                                                               EARLY AWT
          their reported threading issues.
                                                               Many years ago, Charmilles (which was one of the
                                                               pioneers in Wire EDM) utilized a strategy of heating and
                                                               stretching the wire to both straighten it as well as reduce
                                                               was cut with a cutter just before the water jet assisted
                                                               threading operation commenced. Even if the cutter
          Before delving further into the threading issue, we need
          to examine the industry standards for wire and wire   its diameter. After the heating and stretching, the wire
                                                               produced a small burr, it was not an issue because the
          guide dimensions. The industry standard tolerance for
                                                               stretched wire was undersize by more than the amount
   EDM Today Magazine                           EDM Today Magazine                            EDM Today Magazine
                                                               of any burr.
          wire diameter is +0/-2μ (+0/-.00008”). The typical indus-
          try standard for regular wire guides is 5μ (.0002”) over
          the nominal wire size. (Please note for some applica-
          tions and machines that amount is greater and for “high
                                                               CURRENT AWT
          precision” guides that amount is less.) I have not been
          able to determine an industry standard for the actual
                                                               Virtually all modern Wire EDM’s utilize a similar,
          tolerance on the guide oversize.
                                                               but greatly refi ned wire end preparation strategy.
                                                               The wire is still heated and stretched, but is often
          Based upon these numbers, there should be a total
                                                               cooled while stretched for superior straightness that
          diametral clearance between the wire and the guide of
                                                               allows for both jetted and jetless threading. In addition,
          approximately two “tenths.”
                                                               modern machines use a thermal cutting process
                                                               which requires less maintenance and produces a
          So, with a wire that is not oversized and .0002” clear-
                                                                                              EDM Today Magazine
   EDM Today Magazine                           EDM Today Magazine                        EDM Today, Summer 2024 Issue
                                                               wire tip without a burr.
          ance, why should there ever be wire threading issues?
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